Sunday, January 18, 2009


Whoops, I missed a day! I knew I hadn't blogged or journaled yesterday, but I had a crazy night Friday with my friend Amy and I slept in on Saturday and then the day just kind of got away from me...oh well, I made up for it this morning.

I'm thankful for....

My evening with Amy - It was SO GOOD to see her! She enjoyed the food I made her, I enjoyed the wine she brought, we were so happy to see each other after six long weeks apart! We've scheduled another "date" together for February 28, this time so she can get my website up and running for me. I wish we could see each other sooner, but we live an hour apart and both have things (vacations, weekends away, etc) going on and that's the first time we can do it.
Delicious Food and Drink - I make have already mentioned this above, but I was so thankful to have that bounty of yumminess to enjoy on Friday night.
Cameras - I'm so glad I can take pictures of things to remember them forever.
Utensils - Silly but true - aren't you glad you don't have to eat with your hands? One of the many things we take for granted.
Dogs to Walk - Yesterday the sweetheart and I took our friend's dogs for a walk. It's still very cold out; seeing their enjoyment helped make the temps more bearable.
Group forming in class - I am just so excited about the groups forming in my life coaching class - I'm already getting into one that deals with the specific issues I need help with, it feels great!
Postal Service - Aren't you glad we can mail each other?
Plenty of Blankets - When Amy came over I was very happy we had plenty of blankets for us and plenty for her, because it is cold!
Dish Racks - Another one of those modern convenience things I'm glad to have.
That it's OK to miss a day! Making my list got away from me, but I know it's okay to miss a day.
Constant Contact - That's the name of an email newsletter service that I am currently enjoying a free trial of. I sent out an email to tell people about my Living Joyfully on a Budget workshop. I don't know that many people locally, but maybe I'll still get some interest!
I know more people than I thought - Actually, I saw some names in my address book when I was putting this together and I was happy to see I knew more people around here than I thought I did!
2 Days from Inauguration - I can't wait to see the historic festivities on Tuesday!
Dictionaries - When I don't know what something means or how to spell it, I can look it up!
No Snow driving again - I think every time there is bad weather this entire winter I'm going to be so happy I don't have to drive in it!
Loving What Is - again - I know I mentioned Byron Katie and her work - but I was thinking about it again this morning and I'm so thankful I read that book, it helps me quite often to remember the principles behind it.
Presidential Bash - Let me explain this one - I saw that SNL is showing their Presidential Bash episode, where they show clips of all the fun they've made of the president and the campaign and stuff. When I saw that commercial I was so thankful to live in a country where it's OK to make fun of the powerful people - so many people in so many nations do not have that luxury.
I'm Free - Seeing Amy reminded me again that I'm free! Yay!
Yoga - I've been doing little bits of it lately, I'd like to do more.
Awesome leg workout! The leg workout I did the other day can STILL be felt! It was a good one.

Have a thankful Sunday!

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