Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wet Winter Weather

1.I FINALLY HAVE A PLACE FOR MY WORKSHOP! I am so thankful for this particular item, because I've been worrying about where I'll hold my workshop, Living Joyfully On A Budget, since my life coach and I brainstormed the idea 3 weeks ago. Phew!
2. It wasn't as scary as I thought! Yes, I am putting this as a separate thing I'm thankful for. I was getting really nervous about the whole process but today as I talked to the person in charge of events at the restaurant where the workshop will be, I felt calm and happy. Go me!
3. Lunch with Mom - I took my mom with me to Asheville and after I set up my dates she took me to one of our favorite places, Laughing Seed. It's vegetarian, like we are. Yummy.
4. Gas Fireplaces - mine in particular. The weather is freakin' weird today: Rainy this morning (a landslide caused by flooding destroyed a home not far from where I live overnight!) and then rainy and sunny, now snowy! It was very nice to write my thankful list in front of a warm (gas) fire.
5. Travel books - I know I've mentioned books before, but earlier I was looking through a book on South America - I'm so grateful that other people have researched these destinations for me, so I can have a great trip!
6. Meditation Class - I went to a guided meditation last night and it was great. It was so peaceful and relaxing and the at the end of the course the owner of the space even said I could hold a workshop there sometime - score!
7. People with similar interests - to me, I mean. It's great to bump into other people who are into spirituality, meditation, health, etc.
8. Mashed potatoes - the food list grows. With it being cold and snowy, a bowl of mashed potatoes for dinner sounds really good right now!
9. Hard workouts - this morning I went to the gym and ran and ran and sweated and then sweated some more. I felt great and strong and I'm thankful I can workout like that!
10. My friend Christy - I've known here since we were 12 and since we've grown up we've visited each other all over the place, and even went to New Zealand together. Now she's in Alameda, California and is going to have a baby next month! I'm planning on visiting her in April and she sounded to excited about it that I got super excited about it! She's a great friend to have.
11. My cat just came in - no, this wasn't on the above list, but with the bad weather I was wishing my mischievous cat, Nola, would come inside and she finally did. Thank you!

What are you thankful for on this Wednesday afternoon?

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering what to do on a wet winter afternoon in London, England and your blog came up! I'm thankful that I've just spent some time this weekend with my grown up daughter who I don't get to see as often as I'd like because she doesn't live nearby.


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